The birth of PT. Intra Asia Insurance on July 27, 1999 was born from PT. Asuransi Marannu who has been in the world of general insurance for more than 27 years. In 1999, PT. Intra Asia Insurance also operates with the company's authorized capital of 72 billion rupiah. After 18 years of operation, currently PT. Intra Asia Insurance has 1 Main Branch Office in Jakarta, 2 Regional Branch Offices, and 18 Marketing Offices spread across the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
2015 was an important year for Intra Asia Insurance because this year we did a rebranding, the company logo was changed to be more representative with a meaning that better describes the company's image where the new logo provides various meanings such as stable protection, focus on consumers, and moving forward to the next level. higher.
With financial reports declared healthy by the Public Accounting Firm of Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry, and continuously improving corporate social responsibility towards society, PT. Asuransi Intra Asia is committed to continuing to raise its name by adhering to good corporate governance in order to provide maximum protection and service to the insured.