• sekretariat@jakre.co.id
  • +6221 7900177, +6221 7984779

Project Overview

PT. Jamkrida Kalsel, founded in 2013, is a BUMD engaged in the business of credit guarantees, which is one of the economic infrastructures whose presence is needed in order to help UMKM capital to access capital from banks or non-bank financial institutions. The background for the establishment of Jamkrida Kalsel is to increase the growth and development of the real economic sector, especially UMKM, which contribute to the rate of economic growth. Apart from that, also because the UMKM sector is still facing various obstacles, one of which is limited access to sources of capital, especially those from financial institutions with limited collateral, and the growth in absorption of credit for cooperatives and UMKM in the regions is still not optimal, especially for the productive sector.

Project Detail

  • Client Name:
  • Client Company Name:
    Jamkrida Kalimantan Selatan
  • Project Start Date:
  • Project End Date:
  • Client Comment:

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